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World Debut of Rinspeed sQuba, First Underwater "Flying" wow Car
Thirty years after the movie thriller "The Spy Who Loved Me" hit the silver screen, 'sQuba' is the first car that can actually fly under water. The Rinspeed sQuba will have it's world debut at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show
Rinspeed sQubawillpresentnewand dive into theworld'sfirst wow car, atthe Geneva Motor Show(March 6 to 16). Car is notonlyable to driveon the roadsindependentlywith the pushof a button(thuswithoutthe passenger andthe driver orfurther assistance), but can also convertto the caramphibiansthat canbe immersedin waterup to 10meters(33feet). wow Electric motorwithpowerfultorque wow drives the rear wheels, while the guaranteedpaymenton the waterby twopropellersin theback of the planeand twopowerful enginesin thearcto push the carwhile divingunderwater.When itis includedunder thewater,the driverand passengerin the vehiclethanks tolightweightbodycomponentsmade ofcarbonnano-tubes future, as it is equipped withfreshbreathing airbythe self-contained on-boardsystem.
In the car the sound is not so loud like in this video, i drove a BMW E30 M3 with straight cut gears myself, under the helmet you don't hear it so load like in the vid.
Thumb up so ppl will see.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
BMW Install VTEC Engine
my family has owned bmws for 40 years or grandfather has a 1971 bavaria with over 400,000 miles on it and no problems it is a mass produced car, the same goes for every bmw my mother, father,brohter, uncles and aunts have owned, most of ours are over 15 to 20 years old with no problems... so again you do not know what you are talking about.bmws and porsches are very popular in japan the same cannot be said here in Germany:-) du wichser
NBA 2K11 - He's Back
NBA 2K11 - He's Back
NBA| National Basketball Association| Includes news Basketball| features
Basketball| multimedia Basketball |player profiles Basketball...
Tahrir Square
T*ahrir Square*
* is the largest fields of the city of Cairo in Egypt,called at the
beginning of its establishment as the field of Ismailia, the proportion...